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Hamadaya Distributed Care Packs to 1000 Food Delivery Riders

Hamadaya Distributed Care Packs to 1000 Food Delivery Riders

A collaboration with 2 local burger brands for its #BurgerJepunHMD CSR initiative to show appreciation to 1000 food delivery riders

Intan Shazia Abdul Hariz Leong, Co-founder of Smashed Burger with a group of delivery riders with their #BurgerJepunHMD Care Packs by Hamadaya

Hamadaya, a Japanese award-winning and halal-certified sauce company launched its Corporate Social Responsibility initiative that was aptly called #BurgerJepunHMD to show appreciation and gratitude to food delivery riders by distributing care packs that contain specially created Burger Jepun and drinks to 1000 of them.

Over the past year and a half, we have all had to swap eating out for takeaways and food delivery orders, especially during a full lockdown like what we currently face. With the limited hours allowed for food outlets to operate, now, more than ever, food delivery riders are faced with more uncertainty and affected incomes. To achieve the targeted number of deliveries per day and in the effort to ensure customers receive the orders on time, food delivery riders often miss their meals or eat at unusual hours.

Therefore, our gestures and acts of kindness can be a meaningful and impactful way to say thank you. Echoing this, #BurgerJepunHMD was initiated to help boost the morale of the food delivery riders who have been out there, day and night, rain or shine to ensure the rest of us get to safely eat on time, in the comfort of our homes. And in the spirit of #KitaJagaKita or specifically for this, #KitaJagaRider, this initiative by Hamadaya aims to do just that.

"We are grateful to all of the diligent food delivery riders who brave the heat or rainy days to deliver our food throughout the lockdown. We have been reading so many beautiful stories about them - some are very sad. We wanted to reach out to these riders to thank them for their service and to let them know that we are thinking of them and appreciate what they have done for their communities especially during these hard times by providing them with a delicious and fulfilling meal on the job,” said Ho LiLi, Vice President of Marketing at Hamadaya.

“It is critical that we look after our riders since they are putting their lives in danger by being on the road catering to customers’ demands. Hopefully, this small gesture of ours will shine a light on these unsung heroes. Our hope is that our effort here can inspire other organisations or government agencies to provide more care and protection for our riders,” she added.

Hamadaya partners with local burger brands, Kaw Kaw Burgers and Smashed to create unique and special edition Burger Jepun using Hamadaya’s award-winning Japanese Seasoning Soy Sauce and Japanese Oyster Essence Sauce. The partners were also responsible for providing the outlets for the distribution of the 1000 care packs.

“We are thrilled to be collaborating with Hamadaya on this CSR initiative to recognise the food delivery riders who have been such an important part of our lives throughout this pandemic. We believe that by having this initiative, they would feel valued for their efforts” said Zul, the founder and owner of the Kaw Kaw Burger franchise.

“I am thrilled to be a part of this partnership with Hamadaya, and I think it is a terrific initiative to help raise awareness on the contribution of these riders towards all of us,” said Naeem Nasir, founder and owner of Smashed.

1000 care packs have been distributed to food delivery riders around Klang Valley over the last 6 days. The care packs were distributed in the following locations:

  • Kaw Kaw Burger Tropicana

  • Kaw Kaw Burger Damansara

  • Kaw Kaw Burger Ampang

  • Smashed Burger Bukit Jelutong

“Hamadaya will be continuing this effort for another phase of distribution as soon as the lockdown SOP permits and we would like to call out for interested parties and corporate partners who would like to be a part of this initiative,” added Ho.



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